MMS 8th Grade Banner Order Site

Welcome Parents and Athletes

The order period for banners is now closed (sorry but I have to get working on these and get them printed so they can be hung up).  Go to the main gallery to purchse prints and other items.  

The purpose of these photos it to provide a quick way to of the pictures and allow you to choose pictures for the INDIVIDUAL Banners.  The banner pricing here is at a DISCOUNT. Do not pruchse banner from the main print site, they will NOT be printed ontime and will be more expensive.  

Go to the following link to prints -->.  Purchase Prints by clicking here


  1. Search for your pictures.  This can be done by scrolling through all the pictures OR you can use the "Search Photos" in the upper right corner of the page. 
  2. Pick  the picture you want and add it to your cart, just like you are going to buy it. 
  3. Click check out
  4. Fill out the check out information.  This will include important information like athlete name and number.  We will use this information for the banner (not the file names) so make sure you spell it correctly and how you want it on the banner.  (if you type Joe instead of Joseph then "Joe" will be on the banner)
  5. At some point you will be asked to login or create a login (if you don't have one already). 
  6. Complete check out and Pay for your Order.
  7. All done!   You will get an email confirmation.  

DUE DATE:  Please select your pictures and send it by AUG 30th!!!

All Questions can be direct to or call me at 561-628-5099

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