Hello Parents, Athletes, and Friends!
Monrovia Middle Schoool Volleyball team pictures are ready to order!
Sample Collage, every package comes with a collage!
We are happy to announce the Volleyball Team pictures for are READY to order. We had a great time taking pictures of your athletes and we want to share them with you now! Go to the links below and order your pictures before the due date.
Due Date is Dec 1st
There is a lot of information on how to order on our website. Make sure you notice the due date for pictures! It will be at the top of the gallery too! The link above will take you directly to the gallery. In most cases the Proofs will be shown on GREEN BACKGROUND but those images will be replaced using the backgrounds shown in the examples in the gallery.
Packages provide you with the best values. Each package comes with a collage and at least one individual pictures. Those samples are often shown on this page. Package "A" comes with a medium size download so you can show off your athlete to family and friend via email or social media.
Sample Individual Picture
Sample Magnet Layout
Sample Team Picture, Only Offered in 8x10
Sample Team Picture, Only Offered in 8x10
These Metal Prints are Awesome!!
Metal Print either convex or concave. Both are 8x10 in size. You don't need a stand! Great Color!!!
Stay warm this year with your very own customized PLUSH BLANKET. One sided and Two Sided! Check them out under the tab "Blankets"